Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

[U132.Ebook] Download PDF Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press

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Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press

Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press

Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press

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Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press

Taken together, these three volumes represent a basic English-language reference book of patristic works. Volume 1 ends circa 382.

  • Sales Rank: #498892 in Books
  • Published on: 1978-07-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.22" h x .94" w x 6.49" l, 1.58 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 474 pages

. . . a unique three-year study . . . of such depth and breadth that it raises serious questions about how all U.S. Christians interpret and practice their faith.Kenneth L. Woodward, Newsweek

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Evidence of an ecclesiasctical structure from the 1st century Church
By christiana
This classical work of the writings of the earliest church Fathers points to an ecclesiastical structure before the close of the first century. Any student of the Bible will benefit immensely from knowing the history of the early Church, from which all the doctrines of Christendom emerged. This book also demonstrates that the Catholic Church existed from the Apostolic Age and was fundamental in forming the Scriptures, and determining the Canon as it presently exists. The devotion of the early Church to Christ is evident in the number of martyrs, as well. I highly recommend this book, as well as the other two volumes in this collection.

28 of 29 people found the following review helpful.
The Very Earliest Christian Writings after the New Testament
By Capt J. D. Obenberger
Unless you read Latin and koine Greek pretty well, the only way to access the earliest Christian writings after the New Testament is in English translation. This collection of early Patristic writings is easily the best. The selection of works is comprehesive and intelligent and the translations are clear and contemporary. The introductory material introducing each selection provides scholarly introduction to each work. Except for the needs of the most scholarly, who will have to equip themselves with the language skills mentioned above and tackle the manuscripts, this will serve as a valuable tool to any thinking person seriously interested in the early history of Christianity and the development of its doctrines and practices.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Foundation of Church Teaching
By Lyle A. Nemzin
The book is an excellent resource to see how the early church fathers built on the teachings of the Apostles based on their writings. For example, you can see how they regarded the Eucharist as the body and blood of Jesus Christ and other foundational doctrines of the church. It is an excellent resource.

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Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press PDF

Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press PDF

Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press PDF
Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 1From Liturgical Press PDF

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

[H549.Ebook] Free PDF Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri

Free PDF Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri

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Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri

Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri

Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri

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Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri

Learn the basic techniques every successful playwright knows Among the many "how-to" playwriting books that have appeared over the years, there have been few that attempt to analyze the mysteries of play construction. Lajos Egri's classic, The Art of Dramatic Writing, does just that, with instruction that can be applied equally well to a short story, novel, or screenplay. Examining a play from the inside out, Egri starts with the heart of any drama: its characters. All good dramatic writing hinges on people and their relationships, which serve to move the story forward and give it life, as well as an understanding of human motives -- why people act the way that they do. Using examples from everything from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, Egri shows how it is essential for the author to have a basic premise -- a thesis, demonstrated in terms of human behavior -- and to develop the dramatic conflict on the basis of that behavior. Using Egri's ABCs of premise, character, and conflict, The Art of Dramatic Writing is a direct, jargon-free approach to the problem of achieving truth in writing.

  • Sales Rank: #64157 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: BN Publishing
  • Published on: 2009-02-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .73" w x 6.00" l, 1.01 pounds
  • Binding: Mass Market Paperback
  • 332 pages
  • ISBN13: 9789562915861
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

Amazon.com Review
For many years, Lajos Egri's highly opinionated but very enjoyable The Art of Dramatic Writing has been a well-guarded secret of playwrights, scriptwriters, and writers for television. Unlike many other books on playwrighting (several of which Egri criticizes during the course of this one), the author's systematic breakdown of the essentials for creating successful realistic plays and screenplays effectively demystifies the process of creative writing. Egri, who formulated his thoughts about "a well-made play" during its heyday (the 1940s and '50s), places a premium on an exhaustive analysis of characters and discussion of their psychological motivations. The writer is exhorted to find a premise to explore and to discover which characters will most effectively demonstrate this thesis, then is shown how most effectively to place them into conflict with each other. Conflict itself is also discussed, particularly how to create scenarios in which the crisis develops at a pace that feels unforced and natural. While Egri's view of the well-made play has little space for either the spare musings of Beckett and Pinter or the conscious excesses of non-narrative and other experimental writing, it nonetheless remains an essential text for writers drawn to realistic drama, and to any writer interested in the fundamental motivations of human behavior. --John Longenbaugh

Moss Hart

Moss Hart I found Lajos Egri's book enormously interesting --one of the best I have ever read.

Moss Hart

I found Lajos Egri's book enormously interesting --one of the best I have ever read.

About the Author
Lajos Egri (1888-1967) was born in Hungary and founded the Egri School of Writing in New York City in the 1930s. In addition to writing books, he spent his life writing and directing plays in both the United States and Europe, as well as writing screenplays for the film industry.

Most helpful customer reviews

83 of 86 people found the following review helpful.
Chock full of drama goodies
By Eric von Rothkirch
What Lajos Egri will show you:

* Formulate your premise. Premise is a statement, idea, or conviction that your story proves true. For example, the premise of Romeo and Juliet would be something like "Love defies even death."

* Choose a pivotal character who will force the conflict.

* Orchestrate the other characters. The unity of opposites must be binding. Polar opposites must form a dialectic which creates a unified tension.

* Be careful to select the correct point of attack. Every point of attack starts with conflict.

* There are several types of conflict, such as jumping conflict, but you only want rising or foreshadowing conflict.

* No conflict can rise without perpetual exposition, which is transition. For example, a character going about his daily life doesn't suddenly become a NAZI, it happens in gradual steps--transition.

* Rising conflict, the product of exposition and transition, will ensure growth.

* Characters must conflict--there must be some polarity.

* Crisis will lead to climax. Climax will lead to conclusion.

* Dialogue should come from the voice of the character, not the writer.

Many TV, film, and novel plots and characters lack compelling conflict. The characters are just floating by... until something big happens. Lajos Egri illustrates how to change all this.

114 of 122 people found the following review helpful.
Our Aristotle
By Mark Wieczorek
Egri's work is the only contender that I know of to Aristotle's "Poetics" for a guide to what makes good writing Good. Throw in Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with A Thousand Faces" and you have a sort of holy trilogy and trinity for writers. I've looked at some writing computer programs (haven't bought any yet), and many of them use one, or all of these methods. As an aside, I'll also throw in Polti as a source for plot. Not because I think he's very good, but because he's popular.
In Egri's world, character is king. Each of the characters, he states, must have a driving reason to be on stage, and their reasons must be diametrically opposed. In other words, they can't all get what they want - for one person to get what she wants, someone else must be deprived of their goal. Each character must also be desperate (desperate enough to be interesting) to get what he wants. (It's been a few years since I've read Egri, so please forgive my bad paraphrasing.)
Using many examples (some familiar, some unfamiliar) he gives you the tools to analyze plays (and all stories), and (therefore, hopefully) write plays, or stories, or novels, or movies... My girlfriend and I, even years after reading this book can't walk out of a movie theater or playhouse without analyzing it using the methods we learned from Egri.
If I were only able to reccomend one book to writers, this would be it. (Followed, of course, by Aristotle & Campbell). If I were to have all books erased from my memory and could only re-read one, this would be a strong contendor. If I could say only one thing to you, reader of this review, it would be read this book as soon as you can get your grubby hands on it.

48 of 51 people found the following review helpful.
I wish I had read this one first
By A Customer
Well, I read this book recently after reading god knows how many screenwriting books. Some of them are quite repetitive aren't they?! The thing that I've found is that there are a lot of books out there that explain the three-act structure by saying you have a set-up, then you have your turning points, your climax, your resolution blah blah blah. Thing is we all instinctively know we need this stuff in our plays and screenplays but what's hard as a writer is actually figuring out what these should be. What makes a good turning point, what makes a good resolution etc? If you want to find out, I strongly suggest you read this book.
I found this book (along with Robert McKee's 'Story') the most useful out of the many (screenwriting) books I've read because he gets into the nitty gritty hard stuff. He makes you think about how important the premise is. I disagree with some of the reviews of this book on this site that say that Egri says you have to know your premise from the outset, he doesn't say that, what he does say is that you have to know it clearly at some stage in writing your script and this is true because we go to films to find something out and all the pieces have to fit together or you'll say something like 'The second half of the movie dragged', 'Why did she do that? That wasn't in character' or 'The movie tried to prove too many points all at once' and so on.
The more I write scripts, the more I realise that it's all about planning and architecture because pacing is everything unlike novels etc.
In particular, the most useful takeout from this book is that your premise has to match your character and story. He goes into detail using 'A Doll's House' as an example. If Nora had been a different character, the resolution wouldn't have worked as well as it did and if the story happenings weren't chosen carefully based on her character, then the story wouldn't have rung true nor would we have understood what the premise is.
The other thing that I think you'll really like is the stuff on conflict, the different types of conflict and when to use a particular kind of conflict for the story you wish to tell.
I'm writing a script right now and this book encouraged me to be a bit more lateral and let go of the ideas I already had because they may not be the right situation for my main character or the story as is might not be the best vehicle for arguing the premise I want to argue.
Brilliant stuff! Written so long ago yet still so relevant.

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Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri PDF

Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri PDF
Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, by Lajos Egri PDF

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

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Detective: A Life Upholding the Law, by Tom Connolly

The memoirs of Tom Connolly who served over thrity-nine years in An Garda S�och�na, the police force of Ireland, starting in 1955. Back then, before the dawn of DNA profiling, policemen relied on local knowledge and intuition - as well as careful evidence gathering and interrogation techniques - to make their cases. Connolly rose to the rank of Detective Superintendent, working on high-profile thefts, assaults, and murders with the Investigation Section of Crime Branch. This fascinating memoir offers an insight into the day-to-day work of the Garda�, and celebrates the courage and dedication of all those who risk their lives to keep us safe.

  • Sales Rank: #3433277 in Books
  • Published on: 2016-03-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.10" h x 6.10" w x 8.80" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 333 pages

this rich memoir offers a unique insight into the day-to-day work of the Garda Siochana. At a time when there are massive changes within the force, Tom Connolly's unassuming integrity, honesty, grit and perseverance tell the story of a unique police force and a unique life lived with 100 per cent commitment to duty -- Vale Star and Mallow Star

About the Author
Tom Connolly was born in Charleville, County Cork, in 1934, the eighth member of a family of thirteen. His father and grandfather were both policemen. He joined the Garda Siochana in 1955, and retired in 1994, having risen to the rank of Detective Superintendent. He has been commended on many occasions for his impartiality and conscientiousness in conducting investigations, and was awarded the Gold Scott Medal for valour in 1975. Tom won senior county football championships with Clonakilty and with Round Towers, Kildare, and played senior inter-county football with both Cork and Kildare for a number of years. Tom's wife Maureen died in 2008. He has two sons, both Gardai, and a daughter. He lives in Naas, County Kildare.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By david connolly

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Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

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World's Worst Travel Destinations: 50 travel experiences you will want to miss, by Kara Simsek

World's Worst Travel Destinations: 50 travel experiences you will want to miss, by Kara Simsek

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World's Worst Travel Destinations: 50 travel experiences you will want to miss, by Kara Simsek

With weird and wonderful destinations from across the globe, discover the Kingdom of Dwarves theme park in China, an attraction where no-one measures above 5 feet tall. Or there�€™s Kazantip in the Crimea, where every year a mix of 150,000 ravers and Russian Mafia bosses with their teen brides in tow go to listen to electronic music on rotation for six weeks. A summer break to the city of Cherrapunji, India may be a mistake with an average 29 days of rain in July and 26 in August. Meanwhile the health-conscious among you should probably avoid Evansville, Indiana, recently declared America's fattest city. So unpack your bags, put away your passport, and save yourself some money by reading this guide. Then feel grateful that you�€™ll never make the mistake of visiting these places yourself.

  • Sales Rank: #5452384 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Dog N Bone
  • Published on: 2012-09-13
  • Released on: 2012-09-13
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 4.85" h x .45" w x 7.30" l, .50 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 128 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
I respectfully have to disagree.
By Laughing Gnome
I was expecting more of unusual/weird/exotic destinations, and less of quirkly US locations. I'm pretty sure there are worse destinations in the world than Cleveland, Ohio; Weir's Beach, New Hampshire; and Celebration, Florida. And is a restaurant in Taiwan where people sit on toilets a world's worst travel destination? I'd say it's more of a quirky tourist attraction. Many of the places in this book belong in a quirky tourist attraction book, not in a worst travel destination book.

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World's Worst Travel Destinations: 50 travel experiences you will want to miss, by Kara Simsek PDF